Expand Brand Awareness Using Blog Aggregators

November 29, 20130 Comments

Alltop.com™  Logo, Leading Blog Aggregator

Alltop.com™ Logo, Leading Blog Aggregator

I’m Jim Glover that branding guy for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Digital Friday and we are looking at how to expand awareness of your brand using blog aggregator sites.

According to Wikipedia, an Aggregator refers to a web site or computer software that aggregates a specific type of information from multiple online sources. In particular, some sites aggregate blog content and share it with their followers. If you produce an entertaining or informative blog, consider using one of these sites.

Once a Day Marketing uses Alltop.com™, an aggregator that collects the headlines and latest stories by topic from the best sites and blogs that cover that area of interest. Alltop.com™ categorizes the Once a Day Marketing blog under “branding” on a common home page with other leading branding bloggers. Alltop.com™ then displays our five most recent headlines as well as the first paragraph of our posts.

Consider submitting your blog to Alltop.com™ for consideration. According to the site, their decision criteria is: “We rely on several sources: results of Google searches, review of the sites’ and blogs’ content, researchers, and our “gut” plus the recommendations of the Twitter community, owners of the sites and blogs, and people who care enough to write to us.”

If you are striving to attract more followers to your blog, review Alltop.com™ and other blog aggregators.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at www.onceadaymarketing.com. Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email glover@onceadaymarketing.com. Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MST) streaming live on SantaFe.com KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

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