Digital Friday
Add RSS to Your Website
Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Sharing Information with RSS Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Digital Friday and we are taking a quick look at using RSS on your website. RSS stands for really simple syndication and it’s a link placed on your website that, […]
Social Media Upstarts Challenging Facebook
Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Sensing Facebook Fatigue Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Digital Friday and we are looking at recent social media usage trends. A year ago we released a blog about our perception of Facebook fatigue. A new survey conducted in early […]
The Need for SEO
Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: SEO is the Yellow Brick Road Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Digital Friday and we are going to take a quick look at the importance of search engine optimization or SEO. Search engine optimization allows your company, brand or […]
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