Building Your Marketing Action Plan
Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Developing Your Marketing Action PlanHello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Action Wednesday and we are discussing the importance of creating a good marketing action plan.
The marketing action plan (MAP) is a valuable tool to identify the critical marketing action items for your brand and centralize all of these tasks in one place. Using this tool enables you to prioritize items and establish which to accomplish first and which can be accomplished later.
Leverage project management software, such as FastTrack, to maintain the MAP and break tasks down into three categories: short term, intermediate and long term.
Working with key members of your team, create a column for tasks and describe each task is in as much detail as required. Next, use a column to identify the responsible party. This is the individual in your organization who is the champion of the task and owns its timely completion. List start and finish dates for each item. Include budget or costs where applicable so you know the amount of resources to allocate toward the task.
When the marketing action plan is complete, share it with the appropriate individuals in your organization and review it regularly to ensure progress. Once your team members have input into developing the marketing action plan and have committed to a timeline for task completion, hold them accountable for missed targets. When team members know they will be held responsible they are going to get things done.
Your task for today is to build your marketing action plan. The very first task on the plan should be to brand every single day by following Once a Day Marketing.
Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11am (MST) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.
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Filed in: 7Ps of Marketing • Action Wednesday • Day of the Week • Process